Welcome to Cairns Paediatrics

Cairns Paediatrics

The team at Cairns Paediatrics on Barr St are excited to announce that our Paediatric team is growing. We currently have Dr Arno Ebner, Dr Angela Wilson, Dr Tim Warnock and Dr Carolyn Marshall.

The clinic has a team of independent, private pediatricians to help improve the health and well-being of children from 0-18 years. Our mission is to provide quality care and we are dedicated to providing a strong and lasting Paediatric Specialist Service for the Children and their families in Cairns and surrounding areas.

If you would like an appointment for your child, please click on the link ‘Specialists’ for further information about the individual paediatricians, their paediatric clinic and their specific interests. Once you have decided which Paediatrician you would like a referral to, please see your GP for a referral to that Paediatrician and we will contact you to arrange an appointment.



Paediatrician Working hours Wait time  Accepting
Dr Arno Ebner Monday – Friday 08:00 – 17:00
Saturday 12:00 – 16:00 
4-5 Months Yes
Dr Tim Warnock Tuesday & Thursday 08:00 – 17:00 6+ Months No
Dr Angela Wilson Wednesday – Friday 8:00 – 16:30 4-5 Months Yes
Dr Carolyn Marshall Fortnightly Sessions 2-3 Months Yes

The paediatrician’s triage their own referrals on the basis of urgency and availability. We do also run a cancellation list, should you want your name on this list please ask reception at the time of booking your appointment.