Dr Arno Ebner Paediatric Wednesday Update – Cancelled Until Further Notice
Dear Colleagues,
Due to the ongoing concerns of the COVID-19 virus, I have unfortunately decided to postpone all Paediatric Updates until further notice in an effort to minimise the risk of potential transmission.
I apologies for the inconvenience and will be in contact once the updates resume.
Kind regards,
Dr Arno Ebner
I would like to invite you to a regular Paediatric Wednesday Update 18:00-19:30
The Paediatric update is welcoming GPs, GP registrars, Medical Students and all health professionals interested to come along. It will be a great opportunity to meet your colleagues and to exchange our knowledge about common Paediatric problems. At the end of each day you will have concise practical tips & resources for managing your Paediatric client.
Venue: Cairns Doctors, 2/532 Mulgrave Road, Earlville 4870
There is plenty of free Parking cover and undercover, car entrance from Barr Street
Drinks and Appetisers will be provided from 18:00 with presentations from 18:15 – 19:15. Afterwards we will have plenty of time for discussions and enjoying the evening.
Registration is not required but helps us with catering.
Enquiries and Registration: Pending restart of Paediatric Updates
Please Note: There may be slight changes to the program to accommodate the requests and needs of presenters.
I am looking forward meeting you
Dr Arno Ebner

Dr Arno Ebner